
import {ListenerHandler} from '../utils/listen';
import {mergeObjects} from '../utils/operator';

// doc imports
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
import {Image} from '../image/image';
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */

 * Image and meta class.
class ImageData {
   * Associated HTML div id.
   * @type {Image}
   * Associated HTML div id.
   * @type {object}

   * @param {Image} image The image.
   * @param {object} meta The image meta.
  constructor(image, meta) {
    this.image = image;
    this.meta = meta;

 * Data (list of {image, meta}) controller.
export class DataController {

   * List of {image, meta}.
   * @type {Object<string, ImageData>}
  #dataList = {};

   * Distinct data loaded counter.
   * @type {number}
  #dataIdCounter = -1;

   * Listener handler.
   * @type {ListenerHandler}
  #listenerHandler = new ListenerHandler();

   * Get the next data id.
   * @returns {string} The data id.
  getNextDataId() {
    return this.#dataIdCounter.toString();

   * Get the list of ids in the data storage.
   * @returns {string[]} The list of data ids.
  getDataIds() {
    return Object.keys(this.#dataList);

   * Reset the class: empty the data storage.
  reset() {
    this.#dataList = {};

   * Get a data at a given index.
   * @param {string} dataId The data id.
   * @returns {ImageData|undefined} The data as {image, meta}.
  get(dataId) {
    return this.#dataList[dataId];

   * Get the list of dataIds that contain the input UIDs.
   * @param {string[]} uids A list of UIDs.
   * @returns {string[]} The list of dataIds that contain the UIDs.
  getDataIdsFromSopUids(uids) {
    const res = [];
    // check input
    if (typeof uids === 'undefined' ||
      uids.length === 0) {
      return res;
    const keys = Object.keys(this.#dataList);
    for (const key of keys) {
      if (this.#dataList[key].image.containsImageUids(uids)) {
    return res;

   * Set the image at a given index.
   * @param {string} dataId The data id.
   * @param {Image} image The image to set.
  setImage(dataId, image) {
    this.#dataList[dataId].image = image;
    // fire image set
      type: 'imageset',
      value: [image],
      dataid: dataId
    // listen to image change
    image.addEventListener('imagecontentchange', this.#getFireEvent(dataId));
    image.addEventListener('imagegeometrychange', this.#getFireEvent(dataId));

   * Add a new data.
   * @param {string} dataId The data id.
   * @param {Image} image The image.
   * @param {object} meta The image meta.
  addNew(dataId, image, meta) {
    if (typeof this.#dataList[dataId] !== 'undefined') {
      throw new Error('Data id already used in storage: ' + dataId);
    // store the new image
    this.#dataList[dataId] = new ImageData(image, meta);
    // listen to image change
    image.addEventListener('imagecontentchange', this.#getFireEvent(dataId));
    image.addEventListener('imagegeometrychange', this.#getFireEvent(dataId));

   * Remove a data from the list.
   * @param {string} dataId The data id.
  remove(dataId) {
    if (typeof this.#dataList[dataId] !== 'undefined') {
      // stop listeners
        'imagecontentchange', this.#getFireEvent(dataId));
        'imagegeometrychange', this.#getFireEvent(dataId));
      // fire an image remove event
        type: 'imageremove',
        dataid: dataId
      // remove data from list
      delete this.#dataList[dataId];

   * Update the current data.
   * @param {string} dataId The data id.
   * @param {Image} image The image.
   * @param {object} meta The image meta.
  update(dataId, image, meta) {
    if (typeof this.#dataList[dataId] === 'undefined') {
      throw new Error('Cannot find data to update: ' + dataId);
    const dataToUpdate = this.#dataList[dataId];

    // add slice to current image

    // update meta data
    // TODO add time support
    let idKey = '';
    if (typeof meta['00020010'] !== 'undefined') {
      // dicom case, use 'InstanceNumber'
      idKey = '00200013';
    } else {
      idKey = 'imageUid';
    dataToUpdate.meta = mergeObjects(

   * Add an event listener to this class.
   * @param {string} type The event type.
   * @param {Function} callback The function associated with the provided
   *   event type, will be called with the fired event.
  addEventListener(type, callback) {
    this.#listenerHandler.add(type, callback);

   * Remove an event listener from this class.
   * @param {string} type The event type.
   * @param {Function} callback The function associated with the provided
   *   event type.
  removeEventListener(type, callback) {
    this.#listenerHandler.remove(type, callback);

   * Fire an event: call all associated listeners with the input event object.
   * @param {object} event The event to fire.
  #fireEvent = (event) => {

   * Get a fireEvent function that adds the input data id
   * to the event value.
   * @param {string} dataId The data id.
   * @returns {Function} A fireEvent function.
  #getFireEvent(dataId) {
    return (event) => {
      event.dataid = dataId;

} // DataController class