
import {DrawGroupCommand} from '../tools/drawCommands';
import {RoiFactory} from '../tools/roi';
import {guid} from '../math/stats';
import {Point2D} from '../math/point';
import {Style} from '../gui/style';
import {getLayerDetailsFromEvent} from '../gui/layerGroup';
import {ListenerHandler} from '../utils/listen';
import {logger} from '../utils/logger';

// doc imports
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
import {App} from '../app/application';
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */

 * The magic wand namespace.
 * @external MagicWand
 * @see
import MagicWand from 'magic-wand-tool';

 * Floodfill painting tool.
export class Floodfill {
   * Associated app.
   * @type {App}

   * @param {App} app The associated application.
  constructor(app) {
    this.#app = app;

   * Original variables from external library. Used as in the lib example.
   * @type {number}
  #blurRadius = 5;
   * Original variables from external library. Used as in the lib example.
   * @type {number}
  #simplifyTolerant = 0;

   * Original variables from external library. Used as in the lib example.
   * @type {number}
  #simplifyCount = 2000;

   * Canvas info
   * @type {object}
  #imageInfo = null;

   * Object created by MagicWand lib containing border points
   * @type {object}
  #mask = null;

   * threshold default tolerance of the tool border
   * @type {number}
  #initialthreshold = 10;

   * threshold tolerance of the tool border
   * @type {number}
  #currentthreshold = null;

   * Interaction start flag.
   * @type {boolean}
  #started = false;
   * Draw command.
   * @type {object}
  #command = null;

   * Current shape group.
   * @type {object}
  #shapeGroup = null;

   * Coordinates of the fist mousedown event.
   * @type {object}

   * Floodfill border.
   * @type {object}
  #border = null;

   * List of parent points.
   * @type {Array}
  #parentPoints = [];

   * Assistant variable to paint border on all slices.
   * @type {boolean}
  #extender = false;

   * Timeout for painting on mousemove.

   * Drawing style.
   * @type {Style}
  #style = new Style();

   * Listener handler.
   * @type {object}
  #listenerHandler = new ListenerHandler();

   * Set extend option for painting border on all slices.
   * @param {boolean} bool The option to set
  setExtend(bool) {
    this.#extender = bool;

   * Get extend option for painting border on all slices.
   * @returns {boolean} The actual value of of the variable to use Floodfill
   *   on museup.
  getExtend() {
    return this.#extender;

   * Get (x, y) coordinates referenced to the canvas
   * @param {object} event The original event.
   * @returns {object} The coordinates as a {x,y}.
  #getCoord = (event) => {
    const layerDetails = getLayerDetailsFromEvent(event);
    const layerGroup = this.#app.getLayerGroupByDivId(layerDetails.groupDivId);
    const viewLayer = layerGroup.getActiveViewLayer();
    const index = viewLayer.displayToPlaneIndex(event._x, event._y);
    return {
      x: index.get(0),
      y: index.get(1)

   * Calculate border.
   * @param {object} points The input points.
   * @param {number} threshold The threshold of the floodfill.
   * @param {boolean} simple Return first points or a list.
   * @returns {Array} The parent points.
  #calcBorder(points, threshold, simple) {

    this.#parentPoints = [];
    const image = {
      width: this.#imageInfo.width,
      height: this.#imageInfo.height,
      bytes: 4

    this.#mask = MagicWand.floodFill(image, points.x, points.y, threshold);
    this.#mask = MagicWand.gaussBlurOnlyBorder(this.#mask, this.#blurRadius);

    let cs = MagicWand.traceContours(this.#mask);
    cs = MagicWand.simplifyContours(
      cs, this.#simplifyTolerant, this.#simplifyCount);

    if (cs.length > 0 && cs[0].points[0].x) {
      if (simple) {
        return cs[0].points;
      for (let j = 0, icsl = cs[0].points.length; j < icsl; j++) {
        this.#parentPoints.push(new Point2D(
      return this.#parentPoints;
    } else {
      return [];

   * Paint Floodfill.
   * @param {object} point The start point.
   * @param {number} threshold The border threshold.
   * @param {object} layerGroup The origin layer group.
   * @returns {boolean} False if no border.
  #paintBorder(point, threshold, layerGroup) {
    // Calculate the border
    this.#border = this.#calcBorder(point, threshold, false);
    // Paint the border
    if (this.#border) {
      const factory = new RoiFactory();
      this.#shapeGroup = factory.create(this.#border, this.#style);;

      const drawLayer = layerGroup.getActiveDrawLayer();
      const drawController = drawLayer.getDrawController();

      // get the position group
      const posGroup = drawController.getCurrentPosGroup();
      // add shape group to position group

      // draw shape command
      this.#command = new DrawGroupCommand(this.#shapeGroup, 'floodfill',
      this.#command.onExecute = this.#fireEvent;
      this.#command.onUndo = this.#fireEvent;
      // // draw
      // save it in undo stack

      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

   * Create Floodfill in all the prev and next slices while border is found
   * @param {number} ini The first slice to extend to.
   * @param {number} end The last slice to extend to.
   * @param {object} layerGroup The origin layer group.
  extend(ini, end, layerGroup) {
    //avoid errors
    if (!this.#initialpoint) {
      throw '\'initialpoint\' not found. User must click before use extend!';
    // remove previous draw
    if (this.#shapeGroup) {

    const viewController =

    const pos = viewController.getCurrentIndex();
    const imageSize = viewController.getImageSize();
    const threshold = this.#currentthreshold || this.#initialthreshold;

    // Iterate over the next images and paint border on each slice.
    for (let i = pos.get(2),
      len = end
        ? end : imageSize.get(2);
      i < len; i++) {
      if (!this.#paintBorder(this.#initialpoint, threshold, layerGroup)) {

    // Iterate over the prev images and paint border on each slice.
    for (let j = pos.get(2), jl = ini ? ini : 0; j > jl; j--) {
      if (!this.#paintBorder(this.#initialpoint, threshold, layerGroup)) {

   * Modify tolerance threshold and redraw ROI.
   * @param {number} modifyThreshold The new threshold.
   * @param {object} shape The shape to update.
  modifyThreshold(modifyThreshold, shape) {

    if (!shape && this.#shapeGroup) {
      shape = this.#shapeGroup.getChildren(function (node) {
        return === 'shape';
    } else {
      throw 'No shape found';

    this.#painterTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
      this.#border = this.#calcBorder(
        this.#initialpoint, modifyThreshold, true);
      if (!this.#border) {
        return false;
      const arr = [];
      for (let i = 0, bl = this.#border.length; i < bl; ++i) {
      const shapeLayer = shape.getLayer();
    }, 100);

   * Event fired when threshold change
   * @param {number} _value Current threshold
  onThresholdChange(_value) {
    // Defaults do nothing

   * Handle mouse down event.
   * @param {object} event The mouse down event.
  mousedown = (event) => {
    const layerDetails = getLayerDetailsFromEvent(event);
    const layerGroup = this.#app.getLayerGroupByDivId(layerDetails.groupDivId);
    const viewLayer = layerGroup.getActiveViewLayer();
    const drawLayer = layerGroup.getActiveDrawLayer();

    this.#imageInfo = viewLayer.getImageData();
    if (!this.#imageInfo) {
      logger.error('No image found');

    // update zoom scale

    this.#started = true;
    this.#initialpoint = this.#getCoord(event);
    this.#paintBorder(this.#initialpoint, this.#initialthreshold, layerGroup);

   * Handle mouse move event.
   * @param {object} event The mouse move event.
  mousemove = (event) => {
    if (!this.#started) {
    const movedpoint = this.#getCoord(event);
    this.#currentthreshold = Math.round(Math.sqrt(
      Math.pow((this.#initialpoint.x - movedpoint.x), 2) +
      Math.pow((this.#initialpoint.y - movedpoint.y), 2)) / 2);
    this.#currentthreshold = this.#currentthreshold < this.#initialthreshold
      ? this.#initialthreshold
      : this.#currentthreshold - this.#initialthreshold;

   * Handle mouse up event.
   * @param {object} _event The mouse up event.
  mouseup = (_event) => {
    this.#started = false;
    // TODO: re-activate
    // if (this.#extender) {
    //   const layerDetails = getLayerDetailsFromEvent(event);
    //   const layerGroup =
    //     this.#app.getLayerGroupByDivId(layerDetails.groupDivId);
    //   this.extend(layerGroup);
    // }

   * Handle mouse out event.
   * @param {object} event The mouse out event.
  mouseout = (event) => {

   * Handle touch start event.
   * @param {object} event The touch start event.
  touchstart = (event) => {
    // treat as mouse down

   * Handle touch move event.
   * @param {object} event The touch move event.
  touchmove = (event) => {
    // treat as mouse move

   * Handle touch end event.
   * @param {object} event The touch end event.
  touchend = (event) => {
    // treat as mouse up

   * Handle key down event.
   * @param {object} event The key down event.
  keydown = (event) => {
    event.context = 'Floodfill';

   * Activate the tool.
   * @param {boolean} bool The flag to activate or not.
  activate(bool) {
    if (bool) {
      // init with the app window scale
      // set the default to the first in the list
      this.setFeatures({shapeColour: this.#style.getLineColour()});

   * Initialise the tool.
  init() {
    // does nothing

   * Get the list of event names that this tool can fire.
   * @returns {Array} The list of event names.
  getEventNames() {
    return ['drawcreate', 'drawchange', 'drawmove', 'drawdelete'];

   * Add an event listener to this class.
   * @param {string} type The event type.
   * @param {Function} callback The function associated with the provided
   *   event type, will be called with the fired event.
  addEventListener(type, callback) {
    this.#listenerHandler.add(type, callback);

   * Remove an event listener from this class.
   * @param {string} type The event type.
   * @param {Function} callback The function associated with the provided
   *   event type.
  removeEventListener(type, callback) {
    this.#listenerHandler.remove(type, callback);

   * Fire an event: call all associated listeners with the input event object.
   * @param {object} event The event to fire.
  #fireEvent = (event) => {

   * Set the tool live features: shape colour.
   * @param {object} features The list of features.
  setFeatures(features) {
    if (typeof features.shapeColour !== 'undefined') {

} // Floodfill class