
import {Spacing} from '../../src/image/spacing';

 * Tests for the 'image/spacing.js' file.
// Do not warn if these variables were not defined before.
/* global QUnit */

 * Tests for {@link Spacing}.
 * @function module:tests/image~spacing
QUnit.test('Test Spacing.', function (assert) {
  // bad input
  assert.throws(function () {
    new Spacing();
  new Error('Cannot create spacing with no values.'),
  'spacing with undef values array.');
  assert.throws(function () {
    new Spacing(null);
  new Error('Cannot create spacing with no values.'),
  'spacing with null values array.');
  assert.throws(function () {
    new Spacing([]);
  new Error('Cannot create spacing with empty values.'),
  'spacing with empty values array.');
  assert.throws(function () {
    new Spacing([2, 2, 0]);
  new Error('Cannot create spacing with non number or zero values.'),
  'spacing with zero values.');
  assert.throws(function () {
    new Spacing([2, undefined, 2]);
  new Error('Cannot create spacing with non number or zero values.'),
  'spacing with undef values.');
  assert.throws(function () {
    new Spacing([2, 'a', 2]);
  new Error('Cannot create spacing with non number or zero values.'),
  'spacing with string values.');

  const spacing01 = new Spacing([2, 3, 4]);
  // test its values
  assert.equal(spacing01.get(0), 2, 'getColumnSpacing');
  assert.equal(spacing01.get(1), 3, 'getRowSpacing');
  assert.equal(spacing01.get(2), 4, 'getSliceSpacing');
  // equality
  assert.equal(spacing01.equals(null), false, 'equals null false');
  assert.equal(spacing01.equals(), false, 'equals undefined false');
  const spacing02 = new Spacing([2, 3]);
  assert.equal(spacing01.equals(spacing02), false,
    'equals different length false');

  assert.equal(spacing01.equals(spacing01), 1, 'equals self true');
  const spacing03 = new Spacing([2, 3, 4]);
  assert.equal(spacing01.equals(spacing03), 1, 'equals true');
  const spacing04 = new Spacing([3, 3, 4]);
  assert.equal(spacing01.equals(spacing04), 0, 'equals false');
