
import {
} from '../../src/utils/uri';

 * Tests for the 'utils/uri.js' file.
// Do not warn if these variables were not defined before.
/* global QUnit */

 * Tests for {@link getUrlFromUri}.
 * Test the multiplatform version and the simple one.
 * @function module:tests/utils~getUrlFromUri
QUnit.test('Test getUrlFromUri.', function (assert) {
  // test #00: empty
  const uri00 = 'http://domain.org';
  const res00 = getUrlFromUri(uri00);
  // pathname
  assert.equal(res00.pathname, '/', 'pathname 00');
  // search param
  assert.equal(res00.searchParams.get('topic'), null, 'search params 00');

  // test #01: simple
  const uri01 = 'https://domain.org/dir/file';
  const res01 = getUrlFromUri(uri01);
  // pathname
  assert.equal(res01.pathname, '/dir/file', 'pathname 01');
  // search param
  assert.equal(res01.searchParams.get('topic'), null, 'search params 01');

  // test #02: with file
  const uri02 = 'https://domain.org/dir/image.jpg';
  const res02 = getUrlFromUri(uri02);
  // pathname
  assert.equal(res02.pathname, '/dir/image.jpg', 'pathname 02');
  // search param
  assert.equal(res02.searchParams.get('topic'), null, 'search params 02');

  // test #03: relative
  const uri03 = './dir/image.jpg';
  const res03 = getUrlFromUri(uri03);
  // pathname
  assert.equal(res03.pathname, '/dir/image.jpg', 'pathname 03');
  // search param
  assert.equal(res03.searchParams.get('topic'), null, 'search params 03');

  // test #10: wih search params
  const uri10 = 'https://domain.org/dir/image.jpg?accesstoken=abc';
  const res10 = getUrlFromUri(uri10);
  // pathname
  assert.equal(res10.pathname, '/dir/image.jpg', 'pathname 03');
  // search param
    res10.searchParams.get('accesstoken'), 'abc', 'search params 03');

  // test #11: wih search params
  const uri11 = 'https://domain.org/dir/image.jpg?accesstoken=abc&topic=secure';
  const res11 = getUrlFromUri(uri11);
  // pathname
  assert.equal(res11.pathname, '/dir/image.jpg', 'pathname 04');
  // search param
    res11.searchParams.get('accesstoken'), 'abc', 'search params 04');
    res11.searchParams.get('topic'), 'secure', 'search params 04-2');

 * Tests for {@link splitUri}.
 * @function module:tests/utils~splitUri
QUnit.test('Test splitUri.', function (assert) {
  // using JSON.stringify to compare objects
  const strEmpty = JSON.stringify({});

  // undefined
  const res00 = splitUri();
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res00), strEmpty, 'Split null');
  // null
  const res01 = splitUri(null);
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res01), strEmpty, 'Split null');
  // empty
  const res02 = splitUri('');
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res02), strEmpty, 'Split empty');

  // test10
  const test10 = 'root?key0';
  const res10 = splitUri(test10);
  const ref10 = {base: 'root', query: {}};
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res10), JSON.stringify(ref10), 'Split test10');
  // test11
  const test11 = 'root?key0=val00';
  const res11 = splitUri(test11);
  const ref11 = {base: 'root', query: {key0: 'val00'}};
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res11), JSON.stringify(ref11), 'Split test11');

  // test20
  const test20 = 'root?key0=val00&key1';
  const res20 = splitUri(test20);
  const ref20 = {base: 'root', query: {key0: 'val00'}};
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res20), JSON.stringify(ref20), 'Split test20');
  // test21
  const test21 = 'root?key0=val00&key1=val10';
  const res21 = splitUri(test21);
  const ref21 = {base: 'root', query: {key0: 'val00', key1: 'val10'}};
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res21), JSON.stringify(ref21), 'Split test21');

  // test30
  const test30 = 'root?key0=val00&key0&key1=val10';
  const res30 = splitUri(test30);
  const ref30 = {
    base: 'root',
    query: {key0: ['val00', null], key1: 'val10'}
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res30), JSON.stringify(ref30), 'Split test30');
  // test31
  const test31 = 'root?key0=val00&key0=val01&key1=val10';
  const res31 = splitUri(test31);
  const ref31 = {
    base: 'root',
    query: {key0: ['val00', 'val01'], key1: 'val10'}
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res31), JSON.stringify(ref31), 'Split test31');

  // test40: no root
  const test40 = '?key0=val00&key0&key1=val10';
  const res40 = splitUri(test40);
  const ref40 = {
    base: '',
    query: {key0: ['val00', null], key1: 'val10'}
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(res40), JSON.stringify(ref40),
    'Split test40: no root');


 * Tests for {@link getUriQuery}.
 * @function module:tests/utils~getUriQuery
QUnit.test('Test get URI query.', function (assert) {
  let params;

  // test 00
  const root00 = 'http://test.com?input=';
  const uri00 = 'result';
  const full00 = root00 + encodeURIComponent(uri00);
  params = getUriQuery(full00);
  const res00 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo00 = [uri00];
  assert.equal(res00.toString(), theo00.toString(), 'Http uri');
  // test 01
  const root01 = 'file:///test.html?input=';
  const uri01 = 'result';
  const full01 = root01 + encodeURIComponent(uri01);
  params = getUriQuery(full01);
  const res01 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo01 = [uri01];
  assert.equal(res01.toString(), theo01.toString(), 'File uri');
  // test 02
  const root02 = 'file:///test.html?input=';
  const uri02 = 'result?a=0&b=1';
  const full02 = root02 + encodeURIComponent(uri02);
  params = getUriQuery(full02);
  const res02 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo02 = [uri02];
  assert.equal(res02.toString(), theo02.toString(), 'File uri with args');

  // test 03
  const root03 = 'file:///test.html';
  const full03 = root03 + encodeURIComponent(root03);
  const res03 = getUriQuery(full03);
  assert.equal(res03, null, 'File uri with no args');

  // real world URI

  // wado (called 'anonymised')
  const root10 = 'http://ivmartel.github.io/dwv/demo/static/index.html?input=';
  const uri10 = 'http://dicom.vital-it.ch:8089/wado?requestType=WADO&contentType=application/dicom&studyUID=';
  const full10 = root10 + encodeURIComponent(uri10);
  params = getUriQuery(full10);
  const res10 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo10 = [uri10];
  assert.equal(res10.toString(), theo10.toString(), 'Wado url');

  // babymri
  const root11 = 'http://ivmartel.github.io/dwv/demo/static/index.html?input=';
  const uri11 = 'http://x.babymri.org/?53320924&.dcm';
  const full11 = root11 + encodeURIComponent(uri11);
  params = getUriQuery(full11);
  const res11 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo11 = [uri11];
  assert.equal(res11.toString(), theo11.toString(), 'Babymri uri');

  // github
  const root12 = 'http://ivmartel.github.io/dwv/demo/static/index.html?input=';
  const uri12 = 'https://github.com/ivmartel/dwv/blob/master/data/cta0.dcm?raw=true';
  const full12 = root12 + encodeURIComponent(uri12);
  params = getUriQuery(full12);
  const res12 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo12 = [uri12];
  assert.equal(res12.toString(), theo12.toString(), 'Github uri');

  // multiple URI

  // simple test: one argument
  const root20 = 'file:///test.html?input=';
  const uri20 = 'result?a=0';
  const full20 = root20 + encodeURIComponent(uri20);
  params = getUriQuery(full20);
  const res20 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo20 = ['result?a=0'];
    res20.toString(), theo20.toString(), 'Multiple key uri with one arg');

  // simple test: two arguments
  const root21 = 'file:///test.html?input=';
  const uri21 = 'result?a=0&a=1';
  const full21 = root21 + encodeURIComponent(uri21);
  params = getUriQuery(full21);
  const res21 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo21 = ['result?a=0', 'result?a=1'];
    res21.toString(), theo21.toString(), 'Multiple key uri with two args');

  // simple test: three arguments
  const root22 = 'file:///test.html?input=';
  const uri22 = 'result?a=0&a=1&a=2';
  const full22 = root22 + encodeURIComponent(uri22);
  params = getUriQuery(full22);
  const res22 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo22 = ['result?a=0', 'result?a=1', 'result?a=2'];
    res22.toString(), theo22.toString(), 'Multiple key uri with three args');

  // simple test: plenty arguments
  const root23 = 'file:///test.html?input=';
  const uri23 = 'result?a=0&a=1&a=2&b=3&c=4';
  const full23 = root23 + encodeURIComponent(uri23);
  params = getUriQuery(full23);
  const res23 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo23 = [
    res23.toString(), theo23.toString(), 'Multiple key uri with plenty args');

  // simple test: no root
  const root24 = 'file:///test.html?input=';
  const uri24 = '?a=0&a=1&a=2';
  const full24 = root24 + encodeURIComponent(uri24) + '&dwvReplaceMode=void';
  params = getUriQuery(full24);
  const res24 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo24 = ['0', '1', '2'];
    res24.toString(), theo24.toString(),
    'Multiple key uri and no root');

  // real world multiple URI

  // wado (called 'anonymised')
  const root30 = 'http://ivmartel.github.io/dwv/demo/static/index.html?input=';
  const uri30 = 'http://dicom.vital-it.ch:8089/wado?requestType=WADO&contentType=application/dicom&studyUID=';
  const full30 = root30 + encodeURIComponent(uri30);
  params = getUriQuery(full30);
  const res30 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo30 = [
  assert.equal(res30.toString(), theo30.toString(), 'Multiple Wado url');

  // babymri: test for replaceMode
  const root31 = 'http://ivmartel.github.io/dwv/demo/static/index.html?input=';
  const uri31 = 'http://x.babymri.org/?key=53320924&key=53320925&key=53320926';
  const full31 = root31 + encodeURIComponent(uri31) + '&dwvReplaceMode=void';
  params = getUriQuery(full31);
  const res31 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo31 = [
    res31.toString(), theo31.toString(), 'Multiple baby mri (replaceMode)');

  // babymri: test for replaceMode and no root
  const root32 = 'http://ivmartel.github.io/dwv/demo/static/index.html?input=';
  const uri32 = '?key=http://x.babymri.org/?53320924&key=http://x.babymri.org/?53320925&key=http://x.babymri.org/?53320926';
  const full32 = root32 + encodeURIComponent(uri32) + '&dwvReplaceMode=void';
  params = getUriQuery(full32);
  const res32 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo32 = [
    res32.toString(), theo32.toString(),
    'Multiple baby mri with no root (replaceMode)');

  // github: not supported

  // simple links (no query)

  // simple test: plenty arguments
  const root40 = 'file:///test.html?input=';
  const uri40 = 'web/path/to/file/?file=0.dcm&file=1.dcm&file=2.dcm';
  const full40 = root40 + encodeURIComponent(uri40) + '&dwvReplaceMode=void';
  params = getUriQuery(full40);
  const res40 = decodeKeyValueUri(params.input, params.dwvReplaceMode);
  const theo40 = [
  assert.equal(res40.toString(), theo40.toString(), 'Multiple file-like uri');


 * Tests for {@link decodeManifest}.
 * @function module:tests/utils~decodeManifest
QUnit.test('Test decode Manifest.', function (assert) {
  // test values
  const wadoUrl = 'http://my.pacs.org:8089/wado';
  const studyInstanceUID =
  const seriesInstanceUID0 =
  const sOPInstanceUID00 =
  const sOPInstanceUID01 =
  const seriesInstanceUID1 =
  const sOPInstanceUID10 =
  const sOPInstanceUID11 =
  const sOPInstanceUID12 =

  // create a test manifest
  const doc = document.implementation.createDocument(null, 'wado_query', null);
  doc.documentElement.setAttribute('wadoURL', wadoUrl);
  // series 0
  const instance00 = doc.createElement('Instance');
  instance00.setAttribute('SOPInstanceUID', sOPInstanceUID00);
  const instance01 = doc.createElement('Instance');
  instance01.setAttribute('SOPInstanceUID', sOPInstanceUID01);
  const series0 = doc.createElement('Series');
  series0.setAttribute('SeriesInstanceUID', seriesInstanceUID0);
  // series 1
  const instance10 = doc.createElement('Instance');
  instance10.setAttribute('SOPInstanceUID', sOPInstanceUID10);
  const instance11 = doc.createElement('Instance');
  instance11.setAttribute('SOPInstanceUID', sOPInstanceUID11);
  const instance12 = doc.createElement('Instance');
  instance12.setAttribute('SOPInstanceUID', sOPInstanceUID12);
  const series1 = doc.createElement('Series');
  series1.setAttribute('SeriesInstanceUID', seriesInstanceUID1);
  // study
  const study = doc.createElement('Study');
  study.setAttribute('StudyInstanceUID', studyInstanceUID);
  // patient
  const patient = doc.createElement('Patient');
  // main

  // decode (only reads first series)
  const res = decodeManifest(doc, 2);
  // theoretical test decode result
  const middle = '?requestType=WADO&contentType=application/dicom&';
  const theoLinkRoot = wadoUrl + middle + '&studyUID=' + studyInstanceUID +
        '&seriesUID=' + seriesInstanceUID0;
  const theoLink = [theoLinkRoot + '&objectUID=' + sOPInstanceUID00,
    theoLinkRoot + '&objectUID=' + sOPInstanceUID01];

  assert.equal(res[0], theoLink[0], 'Read regular manifest link0');
  assert.equal(res[1], theoLink[1], 'Read regular manifest link1');